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Progetto di ricerca PRIN "GAUCHO"


Fog Computing (FC) is an emerging paradigm that extends Cloud Computing towards the edge of the network. In particular, FC refers to a distributed computing infrastructure confined on a limited geographical area in which some applications/services run directly at the network edge in smart end-devices. The goal of FC is to improve efficiency and reduce the amount of data that needs to be transported to the Cloud for massive data processing, analysis and storage. However, in latency-sensitive and energy-efficient (i.e., green) applications, the FC paradigm per se might not be appropriate and (at least) part of the computation has to be transferred to the sensor/actuator end-devices level. Here, decisions must be usually taken in a very short time and energy and power constraints constitute a limiting factor. Furthermore, the design of efficient solutions within FC also requires investigate a novel communication/networking paradigm, called Fog Networking (FN), in order to meet specific configurability, adaptability, flexibility and energy/spectrum-efficiency constraints. Being currently FC and FN features designed, optimized and implemented independently each other, the GAUChO project aspires at designing a novel distributed and heterogeneous architecture able to functionally integrate and jointly optimize FC and FN capabilities in the same platform. The joint FC+FN architecture, representing the overall outcome of the project, aims at supporting low-latency and energy-efficiency as well as security, self-adaptation, and spectrum efficiency by means of a strict collaboration among end-devices and FC+FN units in a same integrated platform. In addition, the development of suitable analytic methods and definition of appropriate techniques will enable extra relevant characteristics of the FC+FN platform including ubiquity, decentralized management, cooperation, proximity to end users, dense geographical distribution, efficient support for mobility and real-time applications. To achieve this goal, the GAUChO project foresees to address several relevant and challenging research topics that require skills and knowledge in different scientific fields. For this reason, four Research Units characterized by different but complementary scientific expertise are involved on it. Furthermore, the project provides a tight integration among the Work Packages activities in order to fulfill all the novel and challenging targets related to the project purposes. The scientific contributions that the project aims at achieving, are significant and relevant in several aspects, such as: i) efficient schemes for the coordinated management of resources and interference in heterogeneous wireless communication systems; ii) joint optimization of communication and computing capabilities to support energy-efficient management and self-reconfigurations; iii) a learning modality permitting software agents to detect variations within the integrated FC+FN platform; iv) model-free fault diagnosis systems and comprehensive methodology integrating intelligence-based mechanisms for optimally managing energy consumption, detecting changes in environment/system under inspection, and evaluating and mitigating the possible occurrence of faults affecting the end-devices computing units. The GAUChO project is expected to have a significant technological impact on many up-to-date and relevant families of technologies, such as Smart Wireless Sensor Networks (SWSNs), Smart Objects of Internet-of-Things and Intelligent Embedded Systems. All in all, the project will allow the FC+FN paradigm to enter into a new phase where real-world problems emerging from complex applications are addressed and effectively solved. It is expected that project outcomes will move from basic research to mass production in years 2018-25 providing significant economic benefits to masses of potential end users, together with the added value of the offered application services, limited cost of the communication and processing infrastructure. 

Fog Computing (FC) is an emerging paradigm that extends Cloud Computing towards the edge of the network. In particular, FC refers to a distributed computing infrastructure confined on a limited geographical area in which some applications/services run directly at the network edge in smart end-devices. The goal of FC is to improve efficiency and reduce the amount of data that needs to be transported to the Cloud for massive data processing, analysis and storage. However, in latency-sensitive and energy-efficient (i.e., green) applications, the FC paradigm per se might not be appropriate and (at least) part of the computation has to be transferred to the sensor/actuator end-devices level. Here, decisions must be usually taken in a very short time and energy and power constraints constitute a limiting factor. Furthermore, the design of efficient solutions within FC also requires investigate a novel communication/networking paradigm, called Fog Networking (FN), in order to meet specific configurability, adaptability, flexibility and energy/spectrum-efficiency constraints. Being currently FC and FN features designed, optimized and implemented independently each other, the GAUChO project aspires at designing a novel distributed and heterogeneous architecture able to functionally integrate and jointly optimize FC and FN capabilities in the same platform. The joint FC+FN architecture, representing the overall outcome of the project, aims at supporting low-latency and energy-efficiency as well as security, self-adaptation, and spectrum efficiency by means of a strict collaboration among end-devices and FC+FN units in a same integrated platform. In addition, the development of suitable analytic methods and definition of appropriate techniques will enable extra relevant characteristics of the FC+FN platform including ubiquity, decentralized management, cooperation, proximity to end users, dense geographical distribution, efficient support for mobility and real-time applications. To achieve this goal, the GAUChO project foresees to address several relevant and challenging research topics that require skills and knowledge in different scientific fields. For this reason, four Research Units characterized by different but complementary scientific expertise are involved on it. Furthermore, the project provides a tight integration among the Work Packages activities in order to fulfill all the novel and challenging targets related to the project purposes. The scientific contributions that the project aims at achieving, are significant and relevant in several aspects, such as: i) efficient schemes for the coordinated management of resources and interference in heterogeneous wireless communication systems; ii) joint optimization of communication and computing capabilities to support energy-efficient management and self-reconfigurations; iii) a learning modality permitting software agents to detect variations within the integrated FC+FN platform; iv) model-free fault diagnosis systems and comprehensive methodology integrating intelligence-based mechanisms for optimally managing energy consumption, detecting changes in environment/system under inspection, and evaluating and mitigating the possible occurrence of faults affecting the end-devices computing units. The GAUChO project is expected to have a significant technological impact on many up-to-date and relevant families of technologies, such as Smart Wireless Sensor Networks (SWSNs), Smart Objects of Internet-of-Things and Intelligent Embedded Systems. All in all, the project will allow the FC+FN paradigm to enter into a new phase where real-world problems emerging from complex applications are addressed and effectively solved. It is expected that project outcomes will move from basic research to mass production in years 2018-25 providing significant economic benefits to masses of potential end users, together with the added value of the offered application services, limited cost of the communication and processing infrastructure.

last update: 16-Feb-2017
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